Taro Yam Challah Bread
There’s nothing like a loaf of fresh, homemade bread piping hot right out of the oven to brighten your weekend. What makes this truly special is its distinctive braid, which symbolizes, among other things, the joining together of family and friends. This soft braided, slightly sweet flavor, and pillowy bread is as much a pleasure to look at as it is to eat. To give this challah a beautiful purple hue, our Suncore Foods® Lilac Taro Yam Powder was used. For celebrations big and small, there is nothing better.

Makes 2
360g bread flour
160g room temperature water
30g melted butter or vegetable oil
30g sugar of choice
5g active dry yeast
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp Suncore Foods® Lilac Taro Yam Powder dissolved in 1 tbsp water
Sesame seeds
1. In a stand mixer, combine all ingredients. Cover and let sit for 20 mins.Then turn on the mixer low-medium speed with the hook attachment until the dough comes together, about 10 - 12 mins. Smooth the dough. Cover and let let proof for 1 hour until doubled in size.
2. Transfer the dough to a working surface and divide into 4 portions by weight. Roll each portion out flat, then roll it up tightly. Roll each of the portions into a long rope. Dip 2 rolls in water and roll in sesame seeds.
3. Shape the dough, make the braid and use your palm to press and seal the ends together.
4. Transfer to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Cover and let it rest for 1 hour. Brush dough with coconut oil. Bake at 180 C preheated oven for 30 minutes.