Matcha Chocolate with Roasted Pistachios & Dried Strawberry Slices
See the blazing yule before us everybody! If this recipe for Matcha Chocolate With Roasted Pistachios & Dried Strawberry Chips doesn't sing with yuletide cheer, then we don't know what does! Suncore Foods® Midori Midori Matcha Powder pairs marvelously with your favorite white chocolate as it balances out any cloying sweetness. People will be pining for these exquisite matcha chocolate bars, so they make a wonderfully festive gift for beloved friends and family. So quick and easy, you can have one or two batches of these holiday delights in under a half hour! They're also great as a last-minute gift, or for larger quantities because we all have so much love to give has all that you need to get your holiday goodie bags ready!

300g your choice of white chocolate
8g Suncore Foods® Midori Jade Matcha Powder
1/2 cups freeze-dried strawberries
1/4 cup roasted Pistachios
1. Combine melted chocolate with Suncore Foods® Midori Jade Matcha Powder, mix until smooth. Fill the mould with chocolate. Tap the mould to eliminate air bubbles. Scrape the mould with a scraper. *Ensure the top surface of the mold is scraped clean.
2. Top chocolate bars with strawberries and roasted pistachios. Allow to set at room temperature for 15 mins and then place in the fridge for 20 mins.